require("dotenv").config(); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { RichText, AtpAgent } = require("@atproto/api"); const axios = require("axios"); const he = require('he'); // Mastodon credentials const mastodonInstance = process.env.MASTODON_INSTANCE; const mastodonUser = process.env.MASTODON_USER; async function main() { // Bluesky agent const agent = new AtpAgent({ service: process.env.BLUESKY_ENDPOINT }); const loginResponse = await agent.login({ identifier: process.env.BLUESKY_HANDLE, password: process.env.BLUESKY_PASSWORD, }); if (!loginResponse.success) console.error("🔒 login failed"); // File to store the last processed Mastodon post ID const lastProcessedPostIdFile = path.join( __dirname, "data", "lastProcessedPostId.txt" ); // Variable to store the last processed Mastodon post ID let lastProcessedPostId = loadLastProcessedPostId(); // Function to load the last processed post ID from the file function loadLastProcessedPostId() { try { return fs.readFileSync(lastProcessedPostIdFile, "utf8").trim(); } catch (error) { console.error("Error loading last processed post ID:", error); return null; } } // Function to save the last processed post ID to the file function saveLastProcessedPostId() { try { fs.writeFileSync(lastProcessedPostIdFile, `${lastProcessedPostId}`); } catch (error) { console.error("Error saving last processed post ID:", error); } } async function createBlueskyMessage(text) { const richText = new RichText({ text }); await richText.detectFacets(agent); return { text: richText.text, facets: richText.facets }; } async function postToBluesky(textParts) { const blueskyMessage = await createBlueskyMessage(textParts[0]); const rootMessageResponse = await; if (textParts.length === 1) return; let replyMessageResponse = null for (let index = 1; index < textParts.length; index++) { replyMessageResponse = await{ ...(await createBlueskyMessage(textParts[index])), reply: { root: rootMessageResponse, parent: replyMessageResponse ?? rootMessageResponse, } }); } } function sanitizeHtml(input) { const withoutHtml = input.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ""); const decodeQuotes = he.decode(withoutHtml); const addSpace = decodeQuotes.replace(/(https?:\/\/)/g, ' $1'); return addSpace; } function splitText(text, maxLength) { // Split the text by spaces const words = text.split(" "); let result = []; let currentChunk = ""; for (const word of words) { // Add the current word to the current chunk const potentialChunk = `${currentChunk} ${word}`.trim(); if (potentialChunk.length <= maxLength) { // If the current chunk is still under max length, add the word currentChunk = potentialChunk; } else { // Otherwise, add the current chunk to the result and start a new chunk result.push(currentChunk); currentChunk = word; } } // Add the last chunk to the result result.push(currentChunk); return result; } // Function to periodically fetch new Mastodon posts async function fetchNewPosts() { const response = await axios.get( `${mastodonInstance}/users/${mastodonUser}/outbox?page=true` ); const reversed = .filter((item) => item.object.type === "Note") .filter((item) => item.object.inReplyTo === null) .reverse(); let newTimestampId = 0; reversed.forEach((item) => { const currentTimestampId = Date.parse(item.published); if (currentTimestampId > newTimestampId) { newTimestampId = currentTimestampId; } if (currentTimestampId > lastProcessedPostId && lastProcessedPostId != 0) { try { console.log('📧 posting to BlueSky', currentTimestampId) const textParts = splitText(sanitizeHtml(item.object.content), 300); postToBluesky(textParts); } catch (error) { console.error('🔥 can\'t post to Bluesky', currentTimestampId, error) } } }); if (newTimestampId > 0) { lastProcessedPostId = newTimestampId; saveLastProcessedPostId(); } } fetchNewPosts(); // Fetch new posts every 5 minutes (adjust as needed) setInterval(fetchNewPosts, (process.env.INTERVAL_MINUTES ?? 5) * 60 * 1000); } main()