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.Net Core console app running in a schedule in Docker
This is an example project showing you how to run a console app in a schedule in a docker container.
The docker image makes use of cron which is a unix utility for running commands on a schedule.
The docker file attached does the following:
- Installs cron on the standard microsoft/dotnet:1.1.1-sdk image.
- Copies your application files across to the docker image.
- Copies the schedule file across to the docker image.
- Restores and Publishes your dotnet core image.
- Runs cron and outputs the contents of the /var/log/cron.log file to the screen.
How to use
To use this within your own dotnet core console app you will need the Dockerfile, schedule file dockerignore file and docker-compose.yml (if you are not using your own).
You need to modify the schedule file to reference the dll of your console app.
Then run:
docker-compose up